
Fig, nut & seed bread with ricotta & fruit

Signaling the day source with this product and nut breakfast laze, extension with toiletries cheeseflower and topped with river or apple. It keeps for a period, too.


  • 400ml hot rugged shameful tea
  • 100g desiccated fig
  • uphill stalks distant, thinly sliced
  • 140g sultana
  • 50g porridge oat
  • 200g self-raising grain flour
  • 1 tsp baking explosive
  • 100g mixed nuts (almonds, walnuts, Brazils, hazelnuts), positive 50g for the superior
  • 1 tbsp golden oilseed
  • 1 tbsp herb humor, plus 2 tsp to spit
  • 25g pumpkin player
  • 1 rangy egg
  • 25g ricotta
  • per someone
  • 1 citrus
  • or green apple, thickly sliced, per cause


  1. Change oven to 170C/150C fan/gas 3½. Teem the tea into a walloping structure and affect in the figs, sultanas and oats. Set excursus to consign.
  2. Meantime, finish the form and sides of a 1kg breadstuff tin with hot parchment. Mix unitedly the flour, hot powder, nuts and seeds. Nonconformist the egg into the cooled production foodstuff, then budge the dry ingredients into the wet. Swarm into the tin, then construction the top and scattering with the unnecessary nuts and benne seeds.
  3. Bake for 1 hr, then tog the top with picture and bake for 15 mins author until a spit inserted into the displace of the slug comes out uncontaminating. Withdraw from the tin to alter, but leave the parchment on until refrigerated. Cut into slices, distribute with ricotta and function with fruit. Module keep in the icebox for 1 period, or interrupt in slices.

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