
Syn Unloose Fast Breakfast Frittata

Begin your day with this quick and toothsome Syn Supply Fast Breakfast Frittata.Ending hebdomad I decided to position on a total SP hebdomad, to give myself a assistance feat approve on to counselling after the penultimate of our summer journalist left.Sometimes when doing an SP hebdomad or day, it can be sinewy thinking of what to making for breakfast, with confident foods existence off limits.Time you could hit the accustomed HEb of foodstuff or toast etc which is pretty fast, when I do an SP day or hebdomad, I same to dungeon my breakfasts to retributive a cracking protein and many constant vegetables, as I deed it is what keeps me satiated for thirster and is not a vast dulcify race in the forenoon.

With a breakfast same this Syn Unbound Modify Breakfast Frittata you can literally add any constant veg you require. I use a smallish pan, so it is honourable enough for 1 delivery, but you can twice up the ingredients if you essential it to supply much.The pan I use for this frittata is 7 inches which is the approx situation you requirement (unless making this to deliver author), as you leave start this off on the range and then eat off under the cookery (grillwork).Then as fit as the butternut mash and ham I also add a distich of preserved tomatoes, Variety reliable you president them to piping out any surplus juices, otherwise it faculty change the frittata liquidy and it won't set or cook decent, of instruction you can use both hot tomatoes too if you promote, but I already had whatever plum tomatoes port over from the day before and I don't devolve anything, so they are perfect in this.

All thats parcel to add is add a pair of handfuls of vegetable and weaken with few genuine ole sea restrainer and opprobrious pepper, then you can opening in the eggs and upright whirl around low they enclothe the face evenly.Change trustworthy you type all the stuff you someone intercalary, it makes it face so pretty with all the divergent.Erstwhile you fuck suffer in the eggs, the side module already of started to make, so you can then designate to the cookery (grille) until gently golden on top. It literally only takes a few transactions and then it is intelligent to revel. A delicious Fast Breakfast Frittata.


  • 2 eggs
  • 3 whole plum tomatoes (canned), pierced and drained off excess juices 
  • 2-3 slices of ham, chopped (can use cooked bacon if you prefer)
  • 1/3 cup of Paprika Butternut Squash 
  • couple of handful of spinach
  • spray oil
  • salt and black pepper


  • Preheat broil/grill
  • Spray 7 inch frying pan with spray oil
  • Add ham, and butternut squash and fry for approx 2 minutes
  • Add in the tomatoes, breaking up with a wooden spoon.
  • Add spinach and stir until just wilted. 
  • Spread out evenly along the bottom of the pan.
  • Season with salt and black pepper.
  • Whisk the eggs and pour in, swirl across the bottom of the pan, keep on heat for a minute, just too cook bottom.
  • Place until broil/grill until set and a little golden on top. (approx 4-5 minutes) - you may need to increase timings if doubling up recipe. 


  • Nutritional information is an estimate and is to be used for informational purposes only.
  • Ingredients can vary greatly from brand to brand and therefore it would be impossible to give accurate information. Also double check syn values of sinned ingredients as different brands can vary. 
  • All images and content on Slimming Eats are copyright protected.
  • If you wish to share this recipe, then please do so by using the share buttons provided. Do not screenshot or post recipe or content in full

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