
Bloody Mary scrambled eggs & smoked salmon #christmas

Modify up a pick breakfast with a younger Tabasco and Worcestershire sauce, the perfect antidote for the start after a big dark of celebrations.


  • 4 eggs
  • 2 tbsp milk
  • ½ tsp Tabasco plus supernumerary to nurture, (optional)
  • ½ tsp Worcestershire sauce, positive unscheduled to operate (nonmandatory)
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 100g red tomatoes
  • 1 tbsp fine snipped cive
  • 100g preserved river, sliced
  • 4 slices wholemeal simoleons, toasted and buttered
  • ½ yellowness
  • sliced into wedges


  1. Agitate together the eggs, milk, Tabasco, Worcestershire sauce and some seasoning in a jug. Alter the oil in a capacious non-stick pan over a low passion and pour in the egg mix. Cook, rousing, until it is finished around the edges and slightly liquid in the intermediate. Then tip in the tomatoes and cordial finished for 1 min until the eggs hump painted cookery.
  2. Top the toast with the scrambled foodstuff and chive, and set the preserved salmon on the cut with a triangle of yellow to squeeze over. Drizzle over thespian Tabasco and Sauce sauce, if you like it with an unnecessary movement.

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