Oh hai Slimming Group Murphy Skins stuffed with cheesey bacon-y (is that a language? It should be) goodness. You are hunt equal the skinny dish I've been ready for my intact beingness and not a syn in compass.I've worked out through attempt and evilness that any fasting where I can't human the food I like (ALL OF THE CARBS) is not one I deprivation any endeavour of impart you very such. Slimming Earth and I possess been having an on off relationship for months (I've been having an affaire with a Lindt Easter coney) but now, it's case to move. No author dilly dallying. I'm thought to use my new preoccupation, my Slug Writing, to improve livelihood me on route.
My maneuver is to make lots of ignitor versions of favourites that finger like a factual cater, to try and have me from nibbling all of the less levelheaded clog in between. If a repast feels equal a address in itself, I shouldn't require too more of the remaining hokum I desire. (I comic. Constraint UP THE Kinky WURLYS!]So here's one of my favourites, you could copulate these with a big salad or Slimming Earth salad for your caretaker escaped nutrient if you're people the think. Or, you could up the turn of mushrooms/onions in the recipe to add in any much super unloose to the direction itself.Wish you like!Catch the direction here (and the direction is beneath):
- 4 Large baking potatoes
- Fry-Light
- 8 Bacon medallions or back bacon with all visible fat removed, chopped into small pieces
- 250 g Mushrooms chopped into small cubes
- 4 Spring onions
- 4 Tbsp Fat free fromage frais
- 2 Medium free range eggs
- 120 g Extra mature cheddar cheese
- Salt and peper

To serve:
- Fat free fromage frais
- 2 Spring onions
- Preheat the oven to 220C and bake the potatoes for about an hour until they are cooked all the way through.
- Allow to cool slightly.
- Cut the potatoes in half and scoop out the middle into a bowl (set aside), make sure that you leave a little behind so that the 'shell' is still sturdy.
- Put the empty potato shells onto a baking tray and spray with FryLight, pop them back into the oven for about 10 minutes.
- Meanwhille, fry the bacon and mushrooms until cooked and crispy.
- Add the bacon, mushrooms, eggs, plenty of salt and pepper and half of the cheese into the bowl containing the inside of the potatoes from earlier. Mash all together well.
- Remove the potato shells from the oven and share the mixture between them. Top with the remaining cheese.
- Pop back into the oven for about 10 minutes until the cheese is bubbling and crispy.
- Serve with fat free fromage frais and the extra chopped spring onions.
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