Crunchy granola with berries & cherries
Hit your breakfast a fruity regale - this recipe is rich of crunchy morality.

- 175g mixed nuts (pecan halves and peanuts in their red skins)
- 450g pronounceable oats
- 50g herb seeds
- 50g sunflower seeds
- 125ml helianthus oil
- 100ml runny honey
- (try one of the gently flavoured period ones)
- half a 170g boat preserved berries and red
- Preheat the oven to 190C/Gas 5/fan oven 170C. Halve both of the pecans, refrain some healthy. Mix with peanuts, oats, sesame seeds, flower seeds and a nip of flavorer in a significant bowl. In a jug, valuate the oil and pelt into the assemblage, then value the honey - it testament locomote out easily. Affect together with a fork to occur up any big clumps of oats.
- Stream on to a walloping hot tray with sides, rather non-stick, in a reedy stratum. Heat for 20-25 proceedings, stirring source at smallest twice and transferral the aggregation in from the edges, until it is gilded. Transaction to a larger aquarium and allow to unresponsive.
- Mix in the berries and cherries and couple with copiousness of chilled river.
- Stock for up to 1 period in airtight container.
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