
Indonesian Beef Rendang Recipe, Resep Rendang Padang Khas Minangkabau Step by Step

Resep Rendang Daging Sapi ala Sajian Sedap  (Asian Cattle Rendang) is featured in IDFB Challange  Kreasi Dapur Bersama Sajian Sedap. This circumstance is a presented by Bahasa Food Blogger incoorpotared with  Sajian Sedap.  Sajian Sedap.Com is a cooperation website of Sedap Megazine and Saji Tab which render more activity of trusted and proved recipe, culinary reviews, kitchen dictionary, preparation recipes, tips and tricks from all over the mankind including trustworthy instruction from all of ethnic cooking throughout Indonesian archipelago and i proudly said that my Sajian Sedap substance is pretty such trusty. You can download the E-Magazine of Saji/Sedap in  Newsstand equivalent Take, Wayang Displace, SCANIE, Indobooks, SPEEDUP, or Mahoni, it's a one spot culinary website.

Meat Rendang along with Nasi Goreng in one of the most hot Asiatic containerful through out the mankind. CNN steady grooved rendang as number one of from World's 50 Most Luscious Foods' tilt. I've been posted most Kalio (Wet Rendang) recipe before, slightly contrary with kalio, rendang cooked in long stop, where the food milk has completely evaporated and caramelized onto  a sullen brownness or near colorful rationalise. Another difference beetween rendang and kalio is  grouping equal to add kelapa sangrai tumbuk or toasted grated coco to the rendang but  rarely to the kalio.  Rendang is one of the characteristic foods of Minangkabau declension food curry as a influenced from moslem communities. Fitting equal blackforest and change christmastime log cake that served during the Ied.

  • 1 kg silverside beef (daging gandik sapi) , cut 4x4x2 cm along the meat fibers
  • 2 Indonesian bay leaves (daun salam) 
  • 3 kaffir lime leaves(daun jeruk purut), deveined
  • 4 lemongrass (sereh), bruised and tied up
  •  3 Liters coconut milk (santan) from 4 matured coconut or 600 ml canned coconut milk
  • 1 turmeric leaves (daun kunyit), tided up
  • 2 cup water (air), in case you needed
  • 4 tbsp vegetable oil (minyak sayur)
Indonesian Rendang Spice Paste :
  • 20 shallots (bawang merah)
  • 12 cloves garlic (bawang putih)
  • 250 gr red chillies or cayenne pepper (cabe merah)
  • 3 tbsp HOMEMADE GARAM MASALA SPICE MIXTURE (bumbu rendang/ bubuk kari)
  • 4 cm ginger (jahe)
  • 3 cm galagal (laos)
  • 4 cm turmeric (kunyit)
  • 4 candlenuts (kemiri)
  • 4 dried sliced Garcinia xanthochymus fruit (asam kandis)
  • 10 cloves (cengkeh)
  • 4 green cardamon (kapol/kapulaga hijau india)
  • salt to taste
Instruction :

How to Make Indonesian Beef Rendang:
  • Heat up the oil, saute the spice paste with a low heat until the spice is throughly cooked. Visual aspect is the key! the oil is slowly separated and formed in the edge.
  • Pour about  200 ml coconut milk, add lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves, bay leaves and turmeric leaves, let it boil and slightly evaporated
  • Continue stirring the mixture until the oil is separated or driven off from the mixture
  • Add beef meat. Stir another 15 minutes until the meat is throughly cooked
  • Pour the remaining coconut oil and water, bring to boil
  • Simmer  and continue to stir it gently until the  broth is thicken.
  • You may see  the oil id driven out from the sauce after cooked for 2 hours, its called kalio
  • Continue stirring and cook the kalio until you’ve got rendang with a nice dark brown or black color (see the pictorial above), add more water if necessery to prevent the rendang got burned.
  • Discard the lemongrass, bay leaves and kaffir lime leaves.
  • Serve the beef rendang with steaming hot rice

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