
Ikan Baronang Bakar Bumbu Rica-Rica & Sambal Dabu-Dabu (Grilled Rabbit Fish with Spicy Rica-Rica & Dabu-Dabu Salsa)

Sambal Dabu-Dabu is tralatitious hot, malodorous and spicy salsa from Manado, Indonesia.Sambal dabu-dabu is similiar to Mexican salsa for tacos. It's consists  sliced tomatoes, freshly squeese calamansi limes or identified as maize cui or jeruk kesturi/kunci, shallots, cut bird's eye chilly, artefact herb leaves, vegetable oil or coconut oil, and flavorer.  Sambal Dabu-Dabu is associated to Sambal Matah from Bali which consist of fine sliced shallots, sliced bird's eye chile, terasi or shrimp attach, with a running of kafir  lime juice. Both Sambal Dabu-Dabu and Sambal Matah is suits for any seafood, especialy barrbequed provide.

For the grilling or  barbequing seasoning, i use Sambal Rica-Rica. Added spicy and hot sambal from Manado, it uses flavouring, chile, lemon and spices. Suitable for cookout meats and seafoods. I've posted Grilled Beef Ribs with Asiatic Spicy Rica-Rica Sauce or  Resep Iga Sapi Bakar Bumbu Rica-Rica. For todays meal, i use ikan baronang or leporid fish, species from clan Siganidae.  Democratic baronang in Indonesia is Baronang Susu (Siganus canaliculatus). This fish ir rather seasonal fish with a whiteness, sweet and succulent meat. Ikan baronang is unremarkably grilled, wakeless fried or still pepes (steamed with banana leaves cover).

  • Grilled rabbit fish (ikan baronang bakar) recipe:
  • 1 (600 gr) ikan baronang or rabbit fish, cleaned
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice
  • 3 cloves garlic, mashed
  • 3 cm ginger, grated, juiced
  • salt and peper to taste
  • oil for deep friying

  • How to make grilled rabbit fish :
  • Marinade the rabbit fish with garlic, ginger juice, lemon juice and salt, let it refrigerate for 30 minutes
  • Meanwhile, set your barbeque charcoal
  • Deep fried the rabbit fish until half done#optional
  • Spread SAMBAL RICA-RICA all over the rabbit fish
  • Grill until the fish is cooked through
  • Served with SAMBAL DABU-DABU
Since i’m starving and literrary can wait longer to cooked through the fish with grilling, i deep fried the fish first to cheated the cooking duration. Well, some of the restaurant did this too. The fish is usually seasoned, deep fried until half done than grilled with  some seasoning applied. The fish is grilled just to infused the smokey aromas and this can get rid  the fishy smells.

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