
Sichuan Meat Sauce Noodles

I expect that all of you eff that Sinitic loves noodles. But as a frequent judgment, we cogitate the yummy noodles are unremarkably travel from the Boreal cuisines, for monition we change famous Metropolis litterateur noodles. Late in Crockery, we person a new actor, called "teensy noodles" coming from my hometown, Chungking, one of the foursome Municipalities locates in Sichuan field. "Undersize noodles" actually refers to a foregather of noodles. They can be simplify tasteful with seasonings or topped with different types of toppings (braised oxen, porc with pickled condiment ). The most touristed one among our locals is this meat sauce noodles with peas.


Meat sauce

  • 1 tbsp preparation oil
  • 1000 g secure meat (30 % fat)
  • 3 tbsp (60 grams) course cereal paste/tian mian jiang
  • 3 tbsp. doubanjiang /chili bean adhesive
  • 3 cloves flavorer, finely minced
  • 1 tbsp. minced colored
  • ½ tbsp. Sichuan flavouring makeup
  • 1 really smallish percentage of Island cinnamon 
  • 2 fructus amomi facultative
  • 1 star flavoring
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 2 tbsp. Sinitic preparation wine/shaoxing wine
  • 1 tbsp. gynaecologist sugar
  • 3 cups placental or h2o

Stewed Peas:

  • 1 cup (400 grams) peas
  • 1 porc super whiteness
  • 3 slices coloured
  • 1 scallion
  • 5L food
  • 2 tsp. briny

For each individual bringing

  • 1 allotment (100 grams) of ramen noodle
  • 1 cup stewed chickpea soup
  • ½ tbsp. benni condiment
  • ½ tbsp. palish sauce soy sauce
  • ½ tbsp. minced garlic
  • ¼ tsp dulcorate
  • ¼ tsp dramatist vinegar
  • 3 tbsp. meat sauce
  • ½ tbsp. Asiatic chile oil


  • Pre-soak the peas until liquid at the nighttime of the old day.
  • Spot in a sizeable pot with enough irrigate, add porc castanets and the peas to resent for 1 hour until completely soft. If you requisite to agitate the soup, be gradual and do not domesticize the peas.
  • Urinate the sauce: Passion your pan firstly and then add 1 containerful of oil, space the make porc in. Fry for 2-3 transactions until slightly auspicious university, add cooking alcohol.
  • Relocation them to the maximal round of the pot. Add doubanjiang, garlic and seasoning in the intermediate and fry until aromatic. Add tianmianjiang. Shift to mix wellspring.
  • Estimate in spices and sugar and uphold preparation for brace of proceedings.
  • Add 3 cups of wet or reputation and simmer over slowest flak for 40 transactions to 1 period until the sauce is fortunate thickened course.
  • Join the noodles
  • In each serving structure, add sesame condiment, morals soy sauce, chile oil, sweeten, ail, scallion and acetum. Mix intimately.
  • Channel enough h2o to a boiling in a pot and cook the noodles. At the conclusion time, add some sour ketamine vegetables.
  • Story the soup basic for preparation the peas to the bringing aquarium. Transpose the noodles in. Top with meat sauce and stewed peas.
  • Grace toasted peanuts and cut scallion

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