

Yippiie. this time I want to post about one of my favorite menus, namely lontong sayur pumpkin siam. Let your favorite words, but you can't eat this often, high cholesterol, hehehe. Understandably, besides using coconut milk, the chayote vegetables use shrimp and quail eggs which are the source of cholesterol. So, occasionally eat, what's the matter. just make a note. Actually, if the gourd vegetable is still delicious even without shrimp and quail eggs, usually only mixed with tofu or tempeh.

if you give the extra shrimp and quail eggs because of cheating on my brother-in-law who cooks this vegetable, it's delicious kebabetan hahaha. Usually if he comes from Malang and bring this vegetable, I just buy the rice cake to the market, add soybean powder, enjoy eating together. Yesterday I somehow missed this menu, but because my sister didn't go home, it had to make it myself.

Material :
  • lontong or ketupat
  • 2 pieces of chayote, cut matches
  • 1 block of tofu, cut into cubes and fry briefly until skinned
  • 1 block of tempeh, diced, fried for a while
  • 100 gr small shrimp, remove the skin
  • 15 boiled quail eggs
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 2 lemongrass stems, take the white part and spread
  • 15 cayenne pepper
  • 1000 ml of coconut milk from 1/2 coconut
  • 2 tablespoons of oil to saute
Ground spices :
  • 10 large red chilies (I throw the seeds)
  • 7 onion grains
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 2 pecans, roasted
  • 3 tsp salt (or according to taste)
  • 1-2 tsp sugar
  • soybean powder
  • fried onions
  • crackers
How to make :
  • Heat the oil, saute the spices until smooth and fragrant. Add bay leaves and lemongrass. Stir well.
  • Enter the shrimp, cook until changing color.
  • Pour coconut milk, add tofu, tempeh and quail eggs. Cook until boiling while stirring.
  • Add squash and cayenne pepper with salt and sugar. Cook until cooked.
  • Lift and ready to be served with rice cake and supplement.

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