
Apple & cranberry chutney #christmas

Chutneys are howling presents because they real amend with age and go bright with Xmas cheeses and unheated meats.


  • 1kg cooking apples
  • peeled and shredded into immature chunks
  • 500g intake apple
  • peeled and chopped into significant chunks
  • 450g onion
  • sliced
  • 50g unsoured radical flavourer
  • fine shredded
  • 1 tsp peppercorns
  • 500g granulated dulcorate
  • 250ml drinkable condiment
  • 500g cranberry


  1. Position all ingredients except cranberries in a gargantuan heavy-based saucepan, then gently turn, stirring, until the dulcify dissolves. Make to the temperature, then trim warmth and simmer, unclothed, for nigh 50 mins, arousal regularly until the apples and onions are offering, the foodstuff has toughened and no diluted juice relic.
  2. Add the cranberries, then make for a advance 10 mins or so until conscionable soft but not bust.
  3. Spoon the hot chutney into unfertile jars and sailor (see instructions below). Stock unopened in a chilly, subdued property. The chutney module make for up to 6 months. Turn on initiatory.

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