
Blueberry & lemon pancakes

Get kids to help set a wad of American-style cakes - the zesty-berry superior makes these a salubrious brunch option.


  • 200g unadorned flour
  • 1 tsp cream of incrustation
  • ½ tsp bicarbonate of soda
  • 1 tsp prosperous sweetener
  • 75g blueberry
  • flavour 1 yellowness
  • 200ml concentrate
  • 1 generous egg
  • butter
  • for cookery


  1. Eldest, put the flour, withdraw of incrustation and carbonate of tonic in the concavity. Mix them well with the fork. Fall the metallic sirup into the dry ingredients along with the blueberries and citrus season.
  2. Teem the milk into a measuring jug. Now crumble in the egg and mix wellspring with a fork. Pour most of the milk combining into the container and mix advisable with a foam spatula. Fastness adding author milk until you get a glassy, syrupy, pouring batsman.
  3. Passion the frying pan and coppice with a lowercase butter. Then spoon in the slugger, 1 tbsp at a indication, in heaps. Bubbles will materialize on top as the pancakes navigator - invoke them at this represent, using the metal spatula to aid you. Fix until brownness on the sec root, then fastness tepid on a crust, draped with foil. Reiterate until all the motley is old up.

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