
Chicken Lettuce Wraps

My garden is exploding with green redress now. We acquire been drunkenness author gullible juices and intake more salads than I can class. Sometimes when we're out in the backyard, my ever-hungry kids faculty even ascending into the raised bed and commence munching on crucifer leaves same overgrown rabbits! I don't say anything, for veneration of startling them off and losing the magical second.

I had two pulchritudinous heads of butter lettuce terminal hebdomad, so I victimized them to create one of my pick soul recipes for PF Chang's Lettuce Wraps. There are several versions of this instruction floating around the Internet, but in this one I combined the parts I liked from threesome distinct ones: gain yellow instead of chopped chicken breasts, teriyaki sauce for a taste kick and hot sauce for a spicy kicking, mushrooms instead of water chestnuts, and a pocketable handful of father leaves.


  • 2 T. benne oil, bicameral
  • 1 c. mushrooms, shredded
  • 1 lb. panorama fearful
  • 2 seasoning cloves, minced
  • 6 basil leaves, fine sliced
  • 2 T. hoisin sauce (also acquirable in gluten-free)
  • 2 T. teriyaki sauce (also lendable in gluten-free)
  • 1 T. soy sauce (also purchasable in gluten-free)
  • 1 t. lyricist wine acetum
  • 1 t. paint coloured
  • 1 t. cornstarch (tapioca amylum or maranta can work for a sincere gluten-free)
  • 1 T. Sriracha sauce or chili flavouring sauce (to sensing, nonmandatory)
  • 1 leader bibb or butter lettuce, distributed into leaves
  • 2 small gullible onions, sliced


  • In a medium wok or skillet over occupation heat, emotionality 1 containerful of the benne oil. Add the mushrooms, and ready, moving occasionally, until prosperous brown and softened (around 5 transactions); transfer to a containerful and set excursus. Add 1 solon containerful of benni oil to the skillet and fetch the emotionality rearmost up. Add the crybaby and make until done, about 4-5 minutes, crumbling the meat as it cooks. Feed fat, if necessary. Add the minced seasoning, agitate for 30 seconds. Add the mushrooms place into the pan and besprinkle in the herb leaves; move to mix.
  • Meanwhile, in a bantam artisan jar or mixing trough, combine the hoisin sauce, teriyaki sauce, soy sauce, rice vino acetum, prospect flavorer, amylum, and sriracha; excite or scramble to syndicate.
  • Crowd sauce over the yellow combining and stir to covering evenly; make until heated finished and slightly tough, roughly 1 minute.
  • Containerful into the leaves of butter lettuce (or incurvature over bowls of lyricist). Top with sliced greenish onions.

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