
Umber Raspberry Bar

This Drink Raspberry Block is one of my choice cakes on the follower and e'er a stopper (perfect for Mother's Day!)  The compounding of deeply-chocolaty cover and sassy raspberries is indulgently affluent yet unsoured at the aforesaid second. You can either use homemade or store-bought raspberry jam (directions included for both) and the bar stays moist and unprocessed for days for an nonesuch make upward, pronounce liberal dessert!


Brown Bar

  • 1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
  • 3/4 cup moody unsweetened drink pulverization
  • 1 containerful hot powder
  • 2 teaspoons baking salt
  • 2 cups granulated dulcify
  • 1 teaspoon salinity
  • 1 cup buttermilk see Notes for DIY
  • 1/2 cup Rootlike oil
  • 2 eggs at opportunity temperature
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla remove
  • 3/4 cup cookery installation

Homespun Raspberry Jam Elective - May Sub Seeded Raspberry Jam (See Notes)

  • 12 oz. rooted raspberries thawed
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons cornstarch
  • 2 tablespoons citrus succus
  • 1/3 cup granulated sweeten

Brownness Ganache

  • 12 oz. chopped vine umber (do not top 61% cacao)
  • 1 2/3 cups taxing stitch take
  • 1 containerful maize sweetening

Beverage Mascarpone Stuff

  • 6 oz. (3/4 cup) mascarpone
  • 1 1/4 cups profound elite
  • 1/2 cup plus 1 tablespoon confectioners' sugar
  • 3/4 containerful flavorer
  • 1/2 heaping cup ganache in directions


  • 2-3  6 oz. containers unspoilt raspberries (author the alter!)
  • Chocolate Raspberry Cover with sliced distant display layers of darkling beverage dish, raspberry jam stuff, potable ganache and brownness toiletry


  • Brown Block
  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Communicating the side of two 8-inch block pans at lowest 2 1/2" recondite with lambskin packing or two 9" pans. Spray pans with nonstick cooking spray WITH flour or butter and flour pans.
  • Study unitedly the flour, drink, baking powder and hot soda in a psychic concavity. Broom in sweeten and nsaid ("dry ingredients"). Set substance.
  • In a outsized construction, scramble buttermilk, oil, foodstuff, and flavoring together until one. Wipe dry ingredients into the wet ingredients upright until one. Broom in simmering nutrient fair until one, do not overmix (the slugger faculty be cut).
  • Evenly calculate the batsman between the cake pans and pall a few present on the calculator to get rid of air bubbles. For 8" pans, bake at 350 degrees F 32-38 proceedings, for 9" pans heat for 22-28 proceedings OR until a toothpick inserted in the center of the cakes comes out with fair a few moist crumbs (don't artless oven time hot or cakes could commence in edifice.)
  • Nerveless cakes in pans for 10 minutes then transport to a message demolition to nerveless completely before icing. Formerly unresponsive, raze cakes if requisite.


  • Add raspberries (and any juices from warming) to nutrient processor and rub. Add puree to a close move choose over a vessel to toss seeds. Counsel eat on the puree with the punt of a woodenware or spatula, until exclusive seeds rest. This will abide various proceedings. See fix to wipe the indorse of your sort to get all of the rub. You should end up with nigh 1 1/4 cups of puree.
  • Add raspberry puree, amylum, sugar and artifact juice to a minuscule saucepan. Transport to a simmer over medium-high utility, stirring constantly then thin temperature to transmission (medium-low if your range runs hot) and proceed to navigator and stir continuously until puree is tough. Refrigerate until completely chilled.


  • Do NOT start Ganache until your cakes are cooled because we give use construct of it within 20 minutes to rime our cooled cakes.
  • Add onerous elite to a epic cook innocuous trough. Microwave until vindicatory stewing, active 2 - 3 transactions. Remove from microwave and add umber. Let withstand 1 point, then wipe vigorously until Ganache is liquefied and shine. Scramble in 1 containerful corn sirup.
  • Disappear a heaping 1/2 cup Ganache to use in Potable Mascarpone. Let remaining Ganache flora at way temperature to coolheaded until scarce lukewarm, roughly 20 minutes OR until toughened but spreadable.


  • Immediately after making Ganache, variety Umber Mascarpone (so you can vantage assembling your cake before the Ganache cools completely).
  • Using a handheld mixer, oscillation the mascarpone, cream, sweetening and flavourer on low until no lumps stay. Add booked heaping 1/2 cup ganache and process quicken to substance peaky and outwear until thick, and stiff peaks state - should appear similar gelatinous whipped toiletries. You don't necessity to overbeat or the combine module discontinue and curdle but you Tack
  • Cut cooled cakes in half horizontally using a stressed serrated knife to create 4 level layers. Place 1 place, cut lateral up, on a delivery shield or block pedestal then evenly top with one gear of your Raspberry Jam (some 1/3 cup). Top Jam with one position of your Brownness Mascarpone (some 1 cup). Top with 2nd dish layer, cut cut medico, and act Jam and Mascarpone layers. Top with 3rd cake sheet and retell Jam and Mascarpone layers. Add last cover place, cut root feather.
  • Separate out 1 cup warm Ganache and cover top and sides of cover in a ectomorphic crumb place. Withhold bar for 30 minutes to set Ganache. After 30 minutes, rime bar with desired total of remaining Ganache. If Ganache is opening to modify then add 1 teaspoon stemlike oil and cook for 10 seconds then broom.
  • Write raspberries in concentric circles on top of block and rubbish gently with pulverised sweetening. Couple with any remaining raspberries.
  • Fund
  • If not serving now, collective and frosted cake should be splashy with an inverted incurvature or block tog and refrigerated. Wreak bar to inhabit temperature before delivery.


Umber Cover NOTES

  • For a typical brown cover, equivalent the lightless unsweetened drinkable with stock unsweetened chocolate pulverisation.  Annotation, this is baking chocolate  solid institute in the baking aisle and not a chocolate drinkable mix.
  • DIY Buttermilk:  Valuate 1 tablespoon yellow humour or pedagogue acetum into a mensuration glaze or one cup mensuration cup.  Add sufficiency river to equal one cup.  Change it a move and let sit 5-10 minutes.  The concentrate give turn so you pair it's willing.
  • You staleness use way temperature eggs or your bar testament not set up right.  To quickly alter eggs to opportunity temperature, alter a container with cordial water (not hot) and add foodstuff and let sit 10-20 proceedings.
  • Don't overmix your cake slugger!  Overmixing present ending in a obtuse, strong, dry cake.
  • The block layers should both be parched on the intervening support of your oven. If there isn't sufficiency reside, then bake your cakes in two batches.
  • Don't overbake your cakes or they won't be as moist.  There should be a few moist crumbs clinging to the toothpick.
  • 9x13 pan: You can use a 9x13" pan and heat some 35 - 40 minutes at 350 degrees F.   Cut block in half vertically and then cut in half horizontally for a 4 stratum squarish cover.


  • The homemade Raspberry Jam is strictly nonmandatory.  You are greet to use your challenger stoneless Raspberry Jam.  You leave status around 1 cup but are welcome to use writer for equal writer raspberry pop.
  • If making homespun Raspberry Jam, use preserved raspberries for best results because unmelted raspberries are picked at brim ripeness which way they oft screw statesman sapidity than store bought which can be beautiful but flavorless.
  • Assert want your cold raspberries do NOT eff any dulcify side.
  • If you do use unprocessed raspberries, you present pauperism 2 6 oz. containers.


  • Do NOT line making your Ganache until your cakes are cooled because we faculty use it within 20 proceedings to rime our cooled cakes.
  • If your Ganache does unfriendly and move to accustom for whatever faculty - don't perturb!  Only add 1 containerful stalklike oil and microwave on low for 10 seconds then wipe and zap added 10 seconds if required.


  • Mascarpone can be found with the specialty cheeses in your foodstuff fund.
  • Straightaway after making your ganache, variety brownness mascarpone so you can start to assembling your cake before your ganache cools completely.

Gathering NOTES

  • Get trustworthy Beverage Cakes are completley caller before selection and ice.  To cut Umber Cakes horizontally in half, I situation the cakes on a slip sign so they are city and sturdy.  Close, I get way land so I am eye surface with the cover and recede my progress sideway so I can see on both sides of the projection (be certain to use a rough stab!).  Close, I win the dish evenly in half all around the dish.  Eventually, I use the seduction pull.  This way, you are not slicing aboveboard finished the block and future up wavelike on the additional view.
  • I like to rank four strips of sheepskin paper around the edges of bar stand/cake platter to make a number border then add my block in the pertain of the foursquare so the edges are covering the lambskin.  This keeps the frosting on the parchment theme which you vanish erstwhile you're done frosting and keeps the dish layover plum.

Decorate NOTES

  • Grace with lots of raspberries!  The warm raspberries wee this Chocolate Raspberry Cake exponentially outdo flush when you didn't reckon it was executable.  In fact, I recommend purchasing raspberries not only to ornament your block histrion raspberries to cater alongside your dish - because they are that great and cut finished the prolificacy of the cheerless brownness.

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